March 2018 Newsletter

Welcome to our March 2018 Newsletter!

I am writing this as the ‘beast from the east’ is literally trying to penetrate my ‘easterly facing’ double glazed office windows! With the UK feeling more like Siberia at the moment, spring cannot come quick enough for me and with the Ace Cafe just 5 weeks away, let’s hope a warm spell is on its way very soon. On Monday I decided to shoot a short video on ‘Figaro Car Covers‘ and it was so cold I ended up doing it in my garage, bad timing indeed! Anyway it went well and is a nice addition to the article on condensation and car covers below.  Thank again to Brian Akre who wrote to us about a mishap he had with his engine. It’s an interesting tale and indeed taught me an important lesson on where to position future rally plates? I assume you are totally confused now, so scroll down and it will all make perfect sense. Lastly, congratulations to Sarah Holloway too for winning our latest caption competition.

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Published on 1st March 2018