Cup Holder – Reproduced in Rubber

When the Figaro was launched back in 1991 Nissan produced a vast range of accessories one of which was a Cup Holder which fitted around the center console. Unfortunately, they are no longer available directly from Nissan.

This item provided useful space for sunglasses, CD’s and has two cup spaces but please be aware that these match the original which had somewhat odd sizes (5.5 cm &  7 cm diameter) so it’s too small for today’s coffee shop cups!

Flexible Rubber Material
The unit is made from a flexible rubber which is the same colour (ivory) and shaped to fit over the existing central console. It is virtually identical to an original, made of the same materials, using the same process to the same dimensions and once fitted it is almost impossible to tell the difference. Push fits in seconds. This is a high-quality product.

Highly recommended to provide much-needed additional storage space

PRICE £100 (Plus PP) Free delivery on orders of 2 or more.

Simply send an email to confirming your delivery address and Mandy Townsend will get in touch regarding how to pay.

Published on 15th November 2023