Nissan Figaro Desk Organiser and Tidy

Manufactured by club member Steve Bettesworth this can be used as a desk organiser or for display only.

Laser-cut from birch plywood 3mm thick cut in the shape of a lovely Figaro car. With exceptional detail on all sides of the car, including the unique grille shape and features. Comes in a wooden frame to protect the car pieces and all parts can be carefully snapped out from it. Assembly is simple, with the peg and hole design. If required you could glue it together to make it more rigid, but that’s up to you.

The Birch plywood is left untreated so if you like, you could paint it in your favourite Figaro colour to match your own car.

The finished model size is 195mm long 72mm high and 80mm wide. The 3 storage areas measure 70mm by 72mm, 50mm by 72mm and 45mm by 72mm.

Priced at £10 + postage BUY NOW

Watch club founder Kevin unpack and build his!


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Published on 15th January 2021